Pencil still life drawing, 8”x10”
Pen drawing, 10”x8”
Graphite drawing, 24”x18”
Gouache painting, 30”x22”
Graphite drawing, 20”x13.5”
Oil pastel drawing, 18”x18”
Oil pastel drawing, 22”x30”
Woodblock print
Collage, 22”x30”
Student working on watercolor painting
Pen and watercolor illustration, 8”x8”
Wire sculpture, approx. 8”x10”x5”
Group of students working together on a ceiling tile installation project
Award winning collaborative sculpture using recycled materials
Student working on a texture study collage
Student working on an acrylic painting
Mixed media drawing
Students work on cool and warm colored collages
Pen and colored pencil drawing
Clay sculptures of imaginative islands
Clay island sculpture with palm tree and animals
Collaborative 3D paper sculpture
Paper sculpture of a person doing the monkey bars
Collage self portraits
Name letters sculpture
Collaborative natural materials assignment
Found object color wheel
Minecraft color wheel
A student working on a set design
Collaborative set design for a student production of Little Shop of Horrors